FlexyStaff Pricing

Local Freelancer’s Pricing
Our costs are fully transparent. The employer sets the hourly rate that they wish to pay the freelancer. Flexystaff’s competitive set fees of £3.50 per hour are then applied and paid for by the employer before the job is posted. The employer will pay the total fee and we take care of the rest. The freelancer will be paid the hourly rate advertised, Flexystaff take their fee and insure the freelancer to work the shift advertised, the job is completed, and the freelancer is paid within 7 days.

Points to Note
• Once the fees are paid by an employer for the local freelancer to work a shift, that’s it.
o No more fees.
o No more administration
o No more gaps in your rota
o No contracts
• As an employer there is no ongoing contract with a freelancer, they complete the shift advertised and that’s it. It’s a service to use to help your business have the staff when you need them without wasting time or money.
• As a freelancer you are free to work when you wish. Find shifts that fit in with your life. ‘We work to live not live to work’ flexibility is freedom.
• A freelancer is self employed and take care of their own contributions (easily controlled with our freelancer dashboard).

Digital Freelancer Pricing
A digital freelancer posts an advertisement for their services at a set price. A customer buys an advertised service from a freelancer, the job is then completed and agreed on by both sides, the agreed amount is paid and Flexystaff take a fee of only 15% of the total cost. Money paid to the freelancer within 7 days.

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